Southwest Active -Wednesday-Dec.30/2015

Bree, Noah, Sherry, Kelsey, Mitch and Jody all demonstrating strong shoulders and core stability during their wall walks. 

Wednesday Posterior Chain + Core + Aerobic Tester + Mobility

A1. Hip Thrusts @30×0, 8-12 reps x 4 sets-1min

A2. Single Leg KB/DB RDL @20×0, 6-9 reps/leg x 4 sets-1min

B. Accumulate 2minutes weighted front bridge/front bridge

C. For time:

75 cal rowing

50 overhead plate walking lunges 25/45lbs

25 burpees onto 45lb plate

15 kbs @53lbs/70lbs (heavier than “normal”)

12 box jump overs 24/30″

9 deadlifts 205lbs/275lbs

scaled version:
For time:

50 cal rowing

30 walking lunges

18 burpees

15 kbs

12 step-ups

9 deadlifts

Southwest Active – Tuesday – Dec. 29/2015

Tuesday Upper EMOM
EMOM x 10minutes
Mins 1–>5: 1 wall walk + 10second pause forehead to wall
Mins 6–>10: 2 tgu/arm @15lbs/25lbs
EMOM x 10minutes
1st- 6 CGBP @ high load
2nd- 100ft goblet carry 16kg/24kg
EMOM x 10minutes
1st-(1st) 3-4 ring dips or (2nd) 4-6 ring pushups or (3rd) 6-8 db bench press
2nd- (1st) supinated chest to bar hold 10-20seconds or (2nd) supinated chin over bar hold 10-20seconds or (3rd) chest/chin to bar hold in inverted row position 10-20seconds
5 way shoulder mob

Southwest Active -Monday-Dec.28/2015

Week 2 Dec. 28–>Jan.2/2016Monday Clean + Deadlift EMOM Map + Arm Cash Out + Mobility

A. Power Clean. Below Knee Hang Power Clean. Front Squat 1.1.1 every 90sec x 8 sets

-build to starting weight, then build every 90s

B. EMOM x 10minutes

Mins 1–>5: 5 deadlifts @95lbs/135lbs + 5 lateral barbell burpees

Mins 6–>10: 3 deadlifts @95lbs/135lbs + 3 bar facing burpees + 3 deadlifts @95lbs/135lbs

C. AMRAP unbroken Wide Grip Pronated Strict Pullup @30×1 x 3 sets-2-3min b/w

-follow tempo for sets to count


Ring Assisted Pullup, 10-15 reps x 3 sets-rest 2-3min b/w

-create resistance harder/easier by using legs/more arms

D. Overhead Distraction, 30-60sec/arm x 2 sets

Southwest Active-Saturday-Dec.26/2015

AMRAP in 30minutes:
Groups of 2: 1 person works/1 person rest- must “tag” before partner switch everytime: 5 burpee penalty if no “tag”
100ft partner carry (or 100ft heavy farmers carry)
25ft plate push 45lbs
100ft bear crawl
25ft plate push 45lbs
100ft walking lunges
25 cal rowing/25 cal airdyne/75 single unders

Southwest Active- Thursday – Dec. 24/2015


Thursday Fsq/Bsq emom + Mixed EMOM map + GBC + Mobility
A. Front Squat @20×1, 5 reps every 2 min x 5 sets
-start @ challenging weight and build
-get everyone to their starter weight, then start on the clock
B. EMOM x 10 minutes
Mins 1–>5: 3 burpees to 6″ oh + 8 kbs @24kg/16kg
Mins 6–>10: 6 burpees to 6″ oh + 6 air squats
C1. 30sec FLR on rings (can be weighted) x 2 sets-30sec
C2. Chinover Barhold, 20-30sec x 2 sets-1min
-scale with chest/chin to bar hold on inverted row
D. Banded Hip Opener 60sec/leg
E. Pigeon Stretch 60sec/leg

Southwest Active -Wednesday-Dec.23/2015

Wednesday Posterior Chain + Core + Aerobic Tester + Mobility

A. Hip Thrusts @20×0, 8-12 reps x 3 sets-1:30min – as heavy as possible

B. Hollow Rocks, 20sec per min x 5 minutes

C. For time:

1000m row

50 air squats

40 situps

30 shoulder to overhead 55lbs/75lbs

20 burpees

10 strict pullups

or scaled option:

For time:

500m row

25 air squats

20 situps

18 kbs 25/45

12 ring rows

8 burpees

D. Banded Assisted Hamstring Stretch 30-60sec/leg x 2 sets

Southwest Active-Tuesday-Dec.22/2015

Tuesday Upper EMOMEMOM x 10minutes

1st- 3 CGBP @ high load

2nd- 3-5 bent over barbell rows @ 20×0


EMOM x 10minutes

1st- 2-3 strict press @ high load

2nd- 3-5 L arm ring rows + 3-5 R arm ring rows


EMOM x 10minutes

1st- 5 push press @ high load

2nd- 5 db/kb rows @ 20×0/arm as heavy AS POSSIBLE

Southwest Active-Monday Dec. 21/2015

Hey guys,

So we are on to our new cycle of training. Some new things being introduced. We will be learning to do some cleans. As well, I am including post workout mobility 3+ times a week in to our program. We can ALL benefit from this work.


Monday Clean + Deadlift EMOM Map + Arm Cash Out + Mobility

A. Power Clean Intro, work sets of 2 or 3 – building up in weight/try get 10-15 good sets in
B. EMOM x 10minutes
1st- 3 deadlifts 185/125lbs + 5 burpees
2nd- 3 deadlifts 185/125lbs + 5 kbs @24/16kg
C. AMRAP unbroken strict supinated pullups x 3 sets-2min b/w
– supinated barbell or dumbbell bicep curl @20×0, 10 reps x 3 sets-2min
D. Partner Assisted Thoracic T-Spine Stretch 20-30sec x 3 sets

Southwest Active – Saturday-Dec 19/2015

Saturday Group/TeamEMOM x 15minutes

1st- 3 deadlifts tng-building throughout

2nd- 3-5 ring dips/ 4-7 ring pushups/ 6-10 pushups

3rd- russian db step-ups on to low box 3-5/leg 


15 rounds for time/In groups of 2:

3 strict pullups/5 ring rows

5 pushups

10 air squats

*one person works @ a time/no rules to how work is completed

Southwest Active -Friday-Dec.18/2015

Friday 5/5min x4

5min @85-90%:

25ft walking lunges

25ft burpee broad jumps

-5min rest

5min @85-90%:

25 cal rowing

25 wall balls 15/20 to 9/10ft

-5min rest

5min @85-90%:

40 cal Airdyne

AMRAP alternating db snatches in time remaining 35/50lbs

-5min rest

5min @85-90%:

40 cal Airdyne

AMRAP rope climbs to 15ft in time remaining