Site icon Southwest Strength

Southwest Active -Monday-Dec.28/2015

Week 2 Dec. 28–>Jan.2/2016Monday Clean + Deadlift EMOM Map + Arm Cash Out + Mobility

A. Power Clean. Below Knee Hang Power Clean. Front Squat 1.1.1 every 90sec x 8 sets

-build to starting weight, then build every 90s

B. EMOM x 10minutes

Mins 1–>5: 5 deadlifts @95lbs/135lbs + 5 lateral barbell burpees

Mins 6–>10: 3 deadlifts @95lbs/135lbs + 3 bar facing burpees + 3 deadlifts @95lbs/135lbs

C. AMRAP unbroken Wide Grip Pronated Strict Pullup @30×1 x 3 sets-2-3min b/w

-follow tempo for sets to count


Ring Assisted Pullup, 10-15 reps x 3 sets-rest 2-3min b/w

-create resistance harder/easier by using legs/more arms

D. Overhead Distraction, 30-60sec/arm x 2 sets

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